December 31st
- January 1st, 2011
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Happy New Year to all!
Paul and I made the best of the last day of 2010. The country roads are ice packed and it was raining off and on so we decided to stay right in town and fish the Upper Iowa. With the warm weather and rain we had been getting the river has opened up and the water was clear and cold.
The fish were feeding today but it took a lot of casts and very slow drifts. Trout slow down in the winter and their strikes are very soft so you need to watch your indicator closely. This trout took a size 18 Prince and my indicator just paused slightly on the take.
Paul and I only fished about 2 hours because of the cold but it was good to get out and land a few fish. It was a good end to the year with a good number of days on the water.
Also, Northeast Iowa Fly Fishing has joined Facebook in 2011. Check us out and add us to your friends! Happy New Year!