After waiting for the tornado warnings to clear the area, Paul and I headed out for an evening fly fishing trip. We fished S. Pine for the first time since we were kids. I didn’t remember the hike in being so long, but once we got down in the valley it was quite the surprise. What a great place to see and fish. We were short on time once we finally got to the water but we
had some beautiful Brook Trout taking our caddis in no time. There have been several articles written about S. Pine lately talking about this hidden gem. If you have read these stories you may remember them talking about the long hike in. Let me tell you, it’s true. Be ready for a hike not a walk. Once Paul and I got back to the car we both agreed that it was a great trip and we would go back even though we were only on the water for about an hour. That time might have been longer had we not seen a few Morels on our way in. The Morels may have been the biggest surprise of all. We both had written off the Morel hunting for the year but as you can see we found a few.